Constituent Support

  • Vanessa is the kind of level headed citizen we need to represent us in Topeka. She will support greater freedom and opportunity for all of us and put our interest ahead of a radical ideological agenda.

    John Segale - Shawnee City Council (97-04)                                                                 Johnson County Commissioner (05-09)

  • I fully support Vanessa's candidacy for Kansas House Representative. Vanessa will fight to fully fund our schools so every Kansan can have access to quality education. She is fighting for a brighter future for Kansas.

    Sierra Whitten -Current Shawnee City Council Ward 1

  • We enthusiastically support the candidacy of Vanessa to represent us in Topeka. She shares our values concerning family, faith, and community. Vanessa is a smart, energetic leader who has a great skill for listening and then making sound decisions based on the best available information and insights. She is in the forefront of those who would protect our individual rights and freedoms while also recognizing the need for sound policies to expand medical care and support public education. We have no reservation in endorsing Vanessa as the right choice to serve in the Kansas House.

    Rev. Karen and Dr. Les Lampe

  • I'm voting for Vanessa because she's committed to advancing gun safety in Kansas, and she will fight to protect our constitutional rights to make our own private medical decisions about pregnancy and abortion. We need someone who will listen to voters and not work against them!

    Amy Bales

  • I am supporting Vanessa because she will bring balance to the decisions being made in the Kansas Legislature. I am a lifelong educator, and I lived through the failed “Brownback experiment” as an educator. Hearing Vanessa’s commitment to fully funding our public schools and ensuring both equity and adequacy is achieved in our school funding formula is so encouraging to me! My son and daughter in law are new teachers in Kansas and I want representatives in the House that will protect their interests and the interests of the students they teach! Thank you, Vanessa, for being committed to creating a budget that funds public education! It is the future of our state!

    Beth Clavenna-Deane 

  • I am voting for Vanessa because she will support public schools, defend women’s rights and promote gun safety. Our district needs a representative who will be the voice of the people. Vanessa would be that voice.

    LeAnn Drumm

  • Vanessa Vaughn West is the forward-thinking representative Shawnee needs for our city to grow and thrive. She understands local, regional, state, and national challenges and has aligned her priorities to address these challenges. She is a candidate who listens and provides clear communication. A team builder who practices collaboration and has proven to make thoughtful and defensible decisions that serve our community. She will undoubtedly be representative for all people in Shawnee. Vanessa Vaughn West has our vote.

    Aaron and April Bowden

  • I’m excited to vote for Vanessa because I know she shares my values about strong public schools and a woman’s right to choose.

    Shannon Skoglund

  • I will be voting for Vanessa for many reasons! She will be such a great advocate for all of District 39! She knows how to elevate the voices of those who don’t feel heard, and knows how to welcome those who don’t feel they belong. Vanessa will stand up for what is right, and fight to keep what we have! She will fight to cut our taxes and fund our schools. She also knows the importance of allowing a woman to continue to make ALL of her own personal healthcare decisions because she knows that Going Backwards is no way forward for Kansas!!

    Pam Chapman

  • I'm voting for Vanessa because she is a strong leader in our community. She acts in service to others as a board member for nonprofits and City government committees. And, she's inspired others like me to engage and participate in community leadership as well.

    Dawn Rattan, JCCC Trustee

  • We will be voting for Vanessa West because of her support for our school systems, women’s rights, and most importantly, by being a voice for the under-represented. We need someone who works to advocate for the communities that they serve, through transparency and supporting legislation that works for, not against, the people

    Nicole and John Watson

  • I am voting for Vanessa because she supports a strong public school system, healthy communities, and economic growth. I believe she will give all of District 39 a voice.

    Brandi Jonasson

  • I am voting for Vanesa because I want a voice in the Kansas House that truly represents the will of the people from our district, not the loud minority. Someone who will work to enact sensible policy, and work for a brighter future for all of us.

    Jeremy Wardle

  • I'm voting for Vanessa because she represents policies that maintain Kansan’s liberties and promote a better future for people of Kansas.

    Nick Cain

  • I’m voting for Vanessa because she embodies the idea of a state representative. I know she works hard to understand the needs of constituents and will bring wise solutions to the table. She is the type of involved, conscientious representative we need for District 39!

    Maria Stover

  • I am excited to vote for Vanessa because she will prioritize the future of our district. We deserve representation that will listen to constituents' needs and desires instead of just falling in line with party politics. I have found Vanessa to be forward thinking, hard working and completely transparent. She will be an asset to the Kansas House!

    Katie DeMarea

  • I am supporting Vanessa as her core values very much align with mine. I worked with Vanessa for many years and I know she’s a person that will represent all of District 39.

    Kelly Smith Stewman

  • I’m excited to vote for a candidate who is a mother with children in public schools just like me! Vanessa’s priorities for properly funding public education and protecting bodily autonomy resonate with me as well as her understanding of the state’s and district’s economic standing. I trust her to show up and vote for my community's best interests!

    Allison Unruh

  • Vanessa understands the importance of mental health services in our communities, inclusivity, and safety in our children’s school. She listens and wants to hear the community's concerns. This is why I will be voting for Vanessa!!

    Sheri and Steve Schlarman